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We structure our day around your child’s individual curriculum and offer every opportunity for group activities.

The School Day

Park House School: we learn together from 9.15am to 3.15pm


From sporting activities and cooking classes to Maths, Science and English tuition, Park House School structures its day around your child’s individual curriculum and offers every opportunity for group activities.

1-to-1 Learning ‘til Lunchtime’


Children with social interaction and communication difficulties can struggle with learning in a group setting. That’s why we start the school day with 1-to-1 lessons. Our full-time key-workers can offer pupils relaxed learning and social interaction.

Adults and pupils spread out across a collection of relaxed and well-equipped classrooms. A high ratio of staff to pupils helps give pupils the support they need to progress towards success, in school, and to feel safe and supported during off-site visits.


We have Specialist Teachers for many subjects


  • Pre-National Curriculum level lessons

  • Essential pre-learning skills of attention, interaction, communication and imitation

  • Within the context of the Literacy, Numeracy and Knowledge of the World

  • National Curriculum, P-Scales (pre-NC-level 1) and Foundation Stage Curriculum Subjects

  • Core GCSE subjects


Lunch and Snack Time


Free time is a chance to practice life skills, such as washing, changing and eating as a school community. Due to each child's individul needs all pupils bring in pack lunches from home.


Afternoon Activities


Pupils can spend their afternoons developing important life and social skills by leaving school and enjoying local facilities. Afternoons are set aside for swimming, walking, horse-riding, sailing, rowing, cycling, using the shops and visiting museums or community facilities, all with adult supervision.


Building Social Skills


As a small school, it’s important for us to spend time socialising in our local community. This involves:


  • Opportunities to mix with lots of other young people

  • Bus journeys or local outings, to help develop community living skills

  • Spending time with other youngsters of similar developmental and biological ages

Assessment & Consultation Services

The Clinical Team at Park House School specialise in neurodiversity and working with Autistic young people and adults, people with a Learning Disability and people with ADHD.

More information

Park House School, Wisbech Road,Thorney, Peterborough, PE6 0SA

Phone: 01733 271187

General enquiries:


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Address for Proprietorial Body

Beth Hope (Chair of Proprietors),

Park House School Ltd

c/o Park House School, Wisbech Road, Thorney, Peterborough, PE6 0SA

Phone: 01733 271187

Email address:

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