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Our aim is to ensure that we are the ‘right fit’ for your child.

How to Apply

Park House School admits youngsters who have special educational needs (SEN) related to their social interaction and communication differences (typically found in Autistic children) and who may, additionally, have specific learning difficulties.


If you would like to apply for a place at Park House School, we invite you to discuss independant school access arrangements with your child's local authorty case worker. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly for advice on admission process.


'Our aim is to ensure that we are the 'right fit' for your child'


All new parents, carers and pupils are offered:


  • A ‘Tour and Talk’ visit with senior staff

  • Plenty of time to decide if Park House School feels right

  • Further information about our psychology, speech and occupational therapy services

“We are often recommended by local educational authorities, consultants,  therapists and parents. ”

Admissions Process

So what happens next?


Most pupils quickly settle into Park House School, thanks to our calm atmosphere and thorough admissions process.

Before enrolling your young person at Park House School we ask for:


  • A meeting with the school or nursery your child currently attends

  • An up to date copy of the pupils statement of Special Educational Needs or EHCP

  • Reports on your child from experienced professionals (teachers, paediatricians, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and educational and/or clinical psychologists)

  • Your commitment to attend your child's reviews and regular home visits

  • Plenty of time to talk things through honestly

Assessment & Consultation Services

The Clinical Team at Park House School specialise in neurodiversity and working with Autistic young people and adults, people with a Learning Disability and people with ADHD.

More information

Park House School, Wisbech Road,Thorney, Peterborough, PE6 0SA

Phone: 01733 271187

General enquiries:


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Address for Proprietorial Body

Beth Hope (Chair of Proprietors),

Park House School Ltd

c/o Park House School, Wisbech Road, Thorney, Peterborough, PE6 0SA

Phone: 01733 271187

Email address:

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